Periodise your running
If you are new to running, it’s not the best idea to start running 5k five times a week. Your body will not be conditioned to this and will eventually break down. Following something like a couch to 5k programme or even using some simple periodisation principles will be of huge benefit. This might include:
- Start with a run tolerance test – a 15-20 minute jog to see how your body feels, and use this as a base from which to progress.
- Start with only running two to three times a week. Even some of the elite Olympic level marathon runners I have worked with in the past might only run four times a week at certain parts of their training cycle. Most of you reading this aren’t going to the Olympics!
- When you progress your running start with small increments of roughly 10% per week and review the 24-hour response after each run. If you are not particularly sore then this is fine, if you are a bit sore in the muscles, tendons and joints then do not progress your distance any further until that feeling has subsided.
- As you try to progress your running increase the intensity before increasing the volume. NEVER increase both together.
- As you progress always leave at least one rest day between runs, perhaps cycle, do Pilates or stretch on the non-run days to begin with. Then as your body adapts and you become fitter don’t run more than two consecutive days without then having a rest day.
- Periodise recovery weeks in to your plan. When I worked in football and did the strength training programmes for the players, every 4th week was a recovery week with a drop in training volume (how much they did) by 40%, keeping the intensity (how hard they trained) the same.
Just these simple tips will help preserve your knees and lower back.
Movement, flexibility and strength screening
This is something we can help you with. Our Run Fit assessment looks at your foot posture and ankle, knee, hip and core strength and flexibility as well as talking through your running technique. With this information we can design you a bespoke plan of treatment that you might need for existing issues or designing you a home exercise programme to make sure you don’t pick up unnecessary running injuries.
As a special offer for you we can book you in for a Run Fit screening appointment and also bolt on your first therapy session (such as a sports massage) for a discounted price. This would be an hour (30 mins Run Fit screening + 30 mins treatment) for £85 instead of £105.
Simply click here to book – go to the Running Injury Clinic drop down menu and you’ll see “Run Fit + Treatment”. This is a time limited offer until the 28th February 2021 and we still have limited space due to social distancing and infection control measures that are in place, so book now to avoid missing out…
We remain open and operating within Government and professional body guidelines on hygiene and infection control to maintain your safety whilst on our premises. |