Pre and postnatal issues
There are number of problems that can arise before your baby arrives. These are most commonly pelvic girdle pain, lower back pain, and torso and rib pain. Some manual treatment and exercises can make these problem much better until you have given birth.
Once your baby has arrived and is healthy it’s normal to also want to regain your health and your figure. Don’t’ feel guilty about this. Your body has gone through a huge and stressful change and you also need some time for your body to heal. You also need time to look after your mental health and, sometimes, come to terms with and accept that your body may have changed forever.
Some of the problems you’ll encounter include tears, a C section birth, rectus diastasis, incontinence or prolapse. You’ll have lots of questions running through your mind… Will my diastasis heal? When can I squat, do yoga or BarreCore? Can stress incontinence be treated? When can I run again? Are pessaries useful for a prolapse?… |