Stress Relief Acupuncture
Acupuncture, a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the insertion of fine needles into points of the body, face and ears. In TCM pain and disease is believed to be caused by a blockage in the flow of energy (Qi) along meridians in the body. Inserting needles into certain points along these meridians frees up that blockage in the flow of Qi, thus reducing pain or alleviating the symptoms of a disease.
In Western medicine we know that the needle insertion stimulates the brain to release endorphins and serotonin. These brain chemicals increase relaxation, improve mood, aid sleep and promote a general sense of wellbeing.
Acupuncture also increases blood flow into tense and painful muscles and is very useful to reduce muscle pain and tension.
An acupuncture treatment can be very relaxing and create a greater sense of wellbeing. There is a small amount of discomfort with the needle insertion, after which there should be minimal to no pain.
There can be a slight bruised feeling where the needle was inserted that can last for up to 24 hours, but that sensation will pass.
Ready to Make a Change?
At Wandsworth Physiotherapy & Osteopathy we're focused on getting you out of pain and back to what you love doing, so you can fulfil your dreams. It may be simply sitting comfortably to playing with your kids, getting back into the gym or being able to run 5k again, our expert Physiotherapists, Podiatrists & Osteopaths in Wandsworth Town, Clapham Junction and Battersea Nine Elms are here to help!
All appointments are secured with payment. All appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the start time or not attended will not be refunded.
Benefits of Stress Relief Acupuncture…
What can I expect?
You will have needles inserted in to various point in the body. Typically this includes the hands and feet, the shoulders, neck and throughout the upper and lower back. Points in the face and ears can also be used. After the needles insertion you can relax. Periodically the needles may be stimulated, which can cause a little discomfort, however, this does improve the treatment effect.
How long is a treatment?
You have two options. You can chose a 30 minute acupuncture session for stress relief , or you can chose an hour where there will also be some soft tissue massage and cupping and the application of hot packs. This is a very relaxing treatment that can promote a deep relaxed state. Take care to drink water after this session and you may need to take extra care if you plan to drive home
Are there any side effects?
The only side effects are that the treatment can be slightly painful and that sometimes the needles can cause very small bruises. The needles are sterile single use needles and are disposed of in sharps bins that are incinerated.
How long is a treatment?
Your acupuncturist is suitably trained to perform this type of acupuncture and a member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapy (AACP). They are suitably insured to perform acupuncture covered by Balens and the AACP / Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).
Meet The Team
Get In Touch
Request a call back - tell us about your problem… if you’re not sure what physiotherapy or osteopathy are and whether they can help your problem request a call back from one of our expert therapists.
We can listen to your problem and let you know if we can help... just leave your details using the contact form and we'll be in touch as soon as possible!
Please note: Enquiries are checked daily and will be responded to within 24 hours during clinic open hours.
Cancellation Policy
Please note we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Please respect our therapists and give them more than 24 hours notice if you need to change or cancel an appointment. All appointments are secured with payment. All appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the start time or not attended will not be refunded. Failure to make payment on request will affect future appointments that we are able to offer you.
Thank you.
Telephone Reception
We have reception cover most of the time we are open, however if you can't get through it's quick and easy to book online. Please be aware that calls to Wandsworth Physiotherapy & Osteopathy are recorded to comply with ICO data protection and the recordings are stored for 3 months then deleted. All stored information is password protected.
Opening Hours
Monday | 08:00 - 21:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 21:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 21:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 21:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 20:30 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 16:00 |
Sunday | 10:00 - 15:00 |
No reception cover on Sundays - please book online, the door may be locked so ring the bell.