Treatment for urinary incontinence in Wandsworth
- Have your lower back and pelvis examined by a Women’s Health Physiotherapist. They will be able to assess the stability of your joints the function of your muscles and your movement patterns which may be putting you at risk of incontinence.
- Get the right pelvic floor exercises from your Women’s Health Physiotherapist. Kegel manoeuvers are still valid and appropriate, however you need to move your rehabilitation on from lying on your back or sitting up doing pelvic floor squeezers to more functional tasks. Just because you can engage your pelvic floor sat down does not mean it will engage when you’re trying to lift your baby out of the pram.
- Use sanitary pads. These pads can spare your blushes in the early stages of your incontinence rehabilitation, however you should be able to wean off these as your pelvic floor muscles get stronger.
- Your Women’s Health Physiotherapist will be able to give you advice on how you can avoid embarrassing leaks. This could include crossing your legs and tightening your pelvic floor when you cough or sneeze, or holding your DRA or C-section scar. The physio can also give you advice on going to the toilet so that you do not overstrain and hurt your abdominal or pelvic floor muscles or suffer from constipation.
- Don’t suppress the urge. When you need to pee- just go. Having an over full bladder can also lead to leaking and overflow incontinence.
- Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks as these also make you pee more. Instead drink water, decaffeinated beverages and herbal tea.